Mercedes Uribe (38 years old) is the secretary of the JASS of El Chorrillo. She lives with her little daughter Jimena (5 years old). Mercedes' life was not easy until before she had water in her house. His expression simplifies everything "Drinking water has given us many facilities in time, before we had to look for where to get the water from and many times there was no water due to the rains that covered everything. Now we have it at home for cooking, washing and cleaning. My life and of my daughter has improved a lot.
Mercedes continues her story. Before I had to bring water from the ditch, connect a hose to a certain distance and put my little jugs and buckets. My little daughter brought water in her poronguito. Given this story from her mother, Jimena intervenes and says "I got tired because I had to bring water from above, from there in the other house and I was coming down the road with my mother.".

Jimena was in charge of telling me when the cars were approaching on the road, so I ran to remove the hose from the road so that it would not be destroyed; Also, because the hose was borrowed. Mercedes continues, "We have had many difficulties and suffering without water in the house. Sometimes the crab (river) would come out and the wells would be covered and there was no place to get water from. In the rainy season the water would come with mud and what it did was put the buckets and tubs under the corks and thus collect the water that dripped, to be able to supply ourselves.
The construction of the pool at Mercedes' house took about 15 days. She comments that all the families worked hard. In her case, for the toughest jobs she had to hire a laborer to support her.
Jimena comes running and says "come see my study corner." Mercedes, laughing, comments that she is fixing her little house little by little. Now he already has a kitchen, a study room for his daughter, his laundry room and other rooms that he will little by little move forward in finishing.