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Sessi (2)

Sessi: Advantages of monitoring and micrometering

District monitoring of sanitation services is essential so that local authorities, JASS directors and other actors in district development know the real conditions of drinking water systems and can take improvement actions. Sessi Araujo, director of the Sanitation Services Administrative Boards [JASS]…

Foto_Mercedes (1)

Mercedes: Drinking water makes life easier

Mercedes Uribe (38 years old) is the secretary of the JASS of El Chorrillo. She lives with her little daughter Jimena (5 years old). Mercedes' life was not easy until before she had water in her house. His expression simplifies everything "Drinking water has given us many facilities in time, before we had to look for...

Foto_Julia y Ramiro (2)

Julia and Ramiro: Water changed our lives

"There was never water in this house, with my old parents I had to bring water from afar so they could drink. Thanks to the water project, we have done all the work and now we have our own water. With Julia we are improving the house because one "A house without water has no life" (Ramiro). With his 65…


Doña Elcira: Living without water is very sad

El Chorrillo is a hamlet in the Cascas district. Around 31 families live there. Until 2020, they were supplied with water from "springs or so-called water holes" existing in the village. Doña Elcira (57 years old) and her husband José (62 years old) have lived in El Chorrillo for more than 20 years. Elcira recounts having lived…

Doña Dora 01

For having water in the house, we are more than grateful

Dora and Samuel are a married couple who live in the Ampliación Villa El Sol community, in the district of Reque, department of Lambayeque (Peru). They have six children and five grandchildren who live in the city of Chiclayo, 30 minutes from Ampliación Villa El Sol. Samuel is a man of few words and Dora,…


Elvira: Total coverage forever means taking responsible care of water and sanitation

"For me, talking about Total Coverage Forever means that all communities have good water and sanitation service; therefore, students must be taught to take care of water and hygienic services from school, teach them good hygiene practices and bring this knowledge closer to the family" (Elvira). At school…


Micrometers: An opportunity to educate the user in water care

Doña Lucía and Don José are directors of JASS La Ciénega. They are very enthusiastic about placing micrometering in the homes of users of the drinking water system. Don José was previously a manager at JASS La Palén where users do have micrometers. Both are sure that micromeasurement is…

CS_Reque (1)

Alliances for water

"Partnerships are important and if they have a goal of well-being and development they are much more powerful, they allow us to strengthen the skills of the sector for the benefit of development. I am Juan Carlos Quispe Dávila, Chief Physician of the Reque health center and Manager of the Micronetwork Reque – Gaps, and I have something to say" Al…

CS El Molino (3)

They came when we needed them most.

With this phrase, serum doctor Anadina Rosario Neyra narrates the challenges that the staff of the El Molino health center (Cascas) faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Doctor Anadina arrived in the community of El Molino in October 2020. to carry out its Rural and Urban Marginal Health Service (SERUMS). It was one…

2015_Carlos Portilla Ocas (2)

Santos: drinking water is health for communities

The need for drinking water in the community prompted Santos to be part of the Association of Health Promoters of the district of Asunción; For him, this service represents health for children and communities. Santos begins his story by expressing: "being a health promoter is an honorable position that seeks benefit...